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Posted by Idea Booth on Dec 18, 2014 11:36:00 AM


Surely you’ve heard it before: “You need a Facebook page.” Some might push further and suggest Twitter. Someone else says Instagram. To you, it all seems unnecessary—is social media really that important to my brand strategy?

We don’t think so. We know so.

Besides being the fastest-growing medium of communication in human history, social media over the last 10 years has had a drastic influence on the way businesses in every field communicate with their customers. If you’re a brand, Facebook is where fans can interact with the company and each other. If you’re a restaurant, Yelp allows happy or disgruntled customers to share their experiences. Whether you’re a state university or a corner store coffee shop, social media houses millions of current and potential customers for you to reach. And speaking their language does nothing but help you.

By using social media marketing, your business is opting to participate in the larger conversation. That fashionable girl with the wire rim glasses that comes in every day, taking photos with her cell phone? She might have 10,000 Instagram followers. Every time she takes a photo at your place of business, she’s willingly promoting your brand. But in order capitalize, you need to be on Instagram as well. Same goes for Twitter, Facebook, or any of the other social platforms people are using these days to talk about their favorite things.

So, why is social media important to YOUR business? We put together this complimentary e-book to get you started.


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